Event box

Introduction to Mendeley

Mendeley is a free, easy-to-use citation management tool that helps you store, organize, cite, and share your research.  A must for anyone doing any kind of research project, be it a five page paper or a doctoral thesis.  This hands-on introductory workshop will cover the basics and get you comfortable using the program—no prior experience necessary.   
Bring your own laptop to this session, or check one out at Mann Circulation. This class will be held in Mann 160. If you have any questions about this workshop, please email Jim Morris-Knower at jpk15@cornell.edu. Please be sure to download and install Mendeley at mendeley.com before the workshop to follow along on your own computer.  


Thursday, February 16, 2017
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Mann, Stern Seminar Room (160)
Mann Library
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Jim Morris-Knower
Tobi Hines