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POSTPONED: Introduction to Citation Management with EndNote (virtual)

Make your research life easier by learning how to manage your citations using a program like EndNote desktop. In this one hour hands-on workshop offered on Zoom, learn how this free program organizes your citations and PDFs and formats citations & bibliographies in your Word documents with your preferred output style. No previous experience with the program is required, nor is it required to have EndNote to participate. Note: While EndNote is a commercial product that must be purchased, anyone in CALS or CHE may download a copy for free at either CHE: https://adminportal.human.cornell.edu/csg.reports/rptCsg.cfm (under Software) or CALS: https://cals.cornell.edu/faculty-staff/information-technology/how/endnote-cals

Please note: Participants should check their registration confirmation email for Zoom details.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Mann Library
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Natasha Bishop
Jim Morris-Knower